Condo Living
What comes first into your mind when you think of condo living? Amenities, like swimming pool, fitness facilities, gym, ping pong room, clean and shining hallway, all season weather controlled indoor environment, worry free for landscaping, snow removal, maintenance of the building etc.
Well, Yes. All these are true, sometimes, not always. And they come with a price, a hefty price tag. In order to achieve and maintain this wish list, some conditions have to be met. If all the stars can line up, great, we have a happy condo living. What conditions do we need in order to achieve a happy condo living? What are the challenges most condo residents and owners are facing?
Why did I create this website? In April 2024, our condo board surprised owners with $18000-$20000 extra cost to upgrade some of the HVAC pipes. Faced with such a sudden hit, owners raised numerous questions. Such as, what is the scope of the project, what is the conditions of the pipes, is the upgrade necessary. The board at the time signed a contract of 3 million dollars without consulting the homeowners first. Through petition, an emergency homeowners meeting was scheduled. An election was made, and the board at the time was ousted.