Empower Condo Owners the Power to Keep Power In Check

A place for condo owners to construct their own Homeowners Association, to express their concerns, to select their board of directors, to prevent condo board from abusing its power


All registered condo corperations and their owners can become members of Home Owners Associations

Board Membors Promise

  1. Performe duties out of my best judgement for the best interests of all the homeowners collectively in this building

2. Hold absolutely no unfair vested interest in any dealing in the daily decision making related to our conde, other than the portion of the benefits that I will receive from the betterment of the building

3. Communicate and collabrate with my colleagues within the board in a civil manner professionally and sincerely

4. Follow relevent regulations and condo by-laws

5. All the above are only a wish list, because you listened to my promises while you haven’t got a way to make me to fullfill my promises.

Continuous Improvement

The most importment improvement is to imporove our by-law, to build an actionable plan by which the board of directors’ decision-making is measureable with numbers.

You can have your say, and be heard by all homeowners once published.

However, only when we collect and summarise all opinions and implement them into actionable plan: by-laws, can we have a warrenty how the board of directors will act accordingly, and homeowners interest will be protected.

Keep Power In Check

Does Condo Act -1998 have a limit of a contract the board of directors can sign? As far as I know – no.

Does the Condo Act prevent the board to sign a contract of 3,600,000$? No.

Do we howeowners have a right to know before a big contract is in consideration? Absolutely. How? No way – yet.

Do we need to put a limit on it? Yes, absolutely. Un-limitted power has led to disater. We have to put a stop on it.

Is there a limit in the by-law? If anyone knows, please point out.

Board of Directors Visibility

Future board of directors, can put your plans in this section. You can choose to identify yourself with your Unit number and your first name or your call name.

Project Management

Homeowners Concerns

Documents independant of Board Tenure

  • Collaborate with neighbours
  • Open discussions
  • What documents should be and will be kept permanent, where to store them? How to get them?

Active Homeowners



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